Customizing Warnings

The Custom Warnings feature allows your team to have more control over both the automated property warnings across your entire account and allows you to create custom warnings that may be unique to your community's workflows, regulations, or programs. The following article and video will assist you in adding new account-level custom warnings and editing automated Forerunner warnings that exist on your account already: 

Custom Warnings

How do I add a new custom warning to my Forerunner account?  

  1. Navigate to your  Settings  tab on the lefthand sidebar of your Forerunner dashboard. Under the  Account  tab click on the  Warnings tab at the bottom of your account settings list. 
  2. Click on the Add new warning  button to the right of the page to create a new warning 
  3. Assign a warning group to your new warning that matches best 
  4. Add a warning title - this is the language that will appear on the property warnings 
  5. Add warning text - this is descriptive language that will appear under the warning to give team members or members of the public more insight into 
  6. Add a warning severity and the desired public visibility settings before clicking Save 
  7. Your new custom warning will be saved and toggle-able on any property in your account. You will also be able to toggle the new warning on your Map layers panel. 

How do I add a custom warning to an individual property? 

  1. Once a custom warning has been added to your account settings you are able to toggle the warning on any property in your Forerunner account so that it appears at the top of the Property's Information Panel. 
  2. To do this, navigate to any property and click the  Edit warnings  button towards the top of your Property Information Panel. 
  3. Scroll down to find the desired warning and toggle it to  True 
  4. This will add the warning to the property and will appear at the top of the Property's Information Panel. 

Automated Forerunner Warnings 

Forerunner automates certain warnings based on Elevation Certificate data, FIRM data, SI/SD costs, and Preliminary Damage Assessments. You can now edit these warnings in your Account Settings to have more control over their severity and public visibility in your account.

How do edit an automated Forerunner warning at the account level? 

  1. Navigate to your  Settings  tab on the lefthand sidebar of your Forerunner dashboard. Under the Account tab click on the  Warnings  tab at the bottom of your account settings list. 
  2. Find the warning you are looking to edit from the list on the Warnings tab and click the ... to the right. Click Edit warning
  3. Edit the warning severity and public visibility settings before clicking  Save 
  4. Your newly edited warning will be saved and toggle-able on any property in your account.

How do I add an automated Forerunner warning on an individual property? 

  1. Navigate to any property and click the Edit warnings button towards the top of your Property Information Panel. 
  2. Scroll down to find the desired warning and toggle it to  True 
  3. This will add the warning to the property and will appear at the top of the Property's Information Panel. 

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