Substantial Damage Estimate Inspections


To streamline disaster recovery efforts, users can now assess property damages directly within Forerunner using the Substantial Damage Estimate feature. By collecting detailed damage information via inspection and generating estimates, users can quickly determine whether a structure is substantially damaged.

Note: Forerunner's substantial damage estimates are designed to provide preliminary estimates based on the information provided by the user and Forerunner's embedded algorithms. These estimates are intended for general guidance purposes only and should not be construed as definitive or accurate assessments of actual damage costs.

How to create a Substantial Damage Estimate

Note: Substantial Damage Estimates need to be added to your account by the Forerunner team, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information on Forerunner's SDE feature.

  1. To create a Substantial Damage Estimate, navigate to the Inspections tab on the desired property.
  2. Because the information necessary to collect for the substantial damage estimate is different based on whether the structure is residential or non-residential, select the SDE inspection that applies to the property.
  3. Fill out all the information on the form
  4. After clicking Submit on the form, Forerunner will generate an SDE summary for each inspection to provide a breakdown

SDE summary values

The SDE summary will produce Forerunner-calculated values based on: the structure information provided in the inspection form, the base cost of the structure defined in the inspection form, and the element damage percentages. This page is produced after a user creates an SDE inspection and displays the following values along with any images collected, and a table with the path to getting to the calculations.

  • Estimated repair / reconstruction percentage (%): Estimated computed damages as a percentage of the computed actual cash value of the structure
  • Base cost: Value of structure defined in inspection form
  • Estimated depreciation (%): Based on depreciation determination identified in inspection form
  • Computed actual cash value: Value of the structure based on base cost and estimated depreciation
  • Estimated computed damages: Total sum of all element damage values

More details on logic for summary values:

How to export an SDE

SDE exports in Forerunner are coming soon! In the meantime, reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get an export of all your SDE inspection and summary information.

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