Account Settings

Users with Manager  permissions can update their Account settings directly in the Forerunner dashboard. To view your Account-level settings, navigate to the Settings  section of your Forerunner dashboard (hint: you can find it in your main sidebar navigation). Once you have your  Settings   open, you can update account information in the  Account  tab. 

Account Settings

In the Account  tab, you can update SI/SD tracking information and your community's improvement value adjustment ratio. Changes to these account settings will be applied to your entire team. 

Account Name 

At this time, users are unable to make edits to their account's name. If you would like to update your account name, please reach out to us at  

SI/SD Project Tracking Period 

Communities have options to adapt SI/SD requirements to best fit their flood preparation needs. To update your SI/SD Project Tracking period in your settings, select from four options in the dropdown: 

  • Per Project 
  • Cumulative 
  • Building Lifetime
  • Calendar Year 

Cumulative SI/SD Tracking Period Length 

Communities may vary in requirements for the time period of tracking costs for structure’s cumulative SI/SD. This may range from 1 year to 5 years, 10 years, or the lifetime of a structure. The Cumulative SI/SD Tracking Period should be a value equivalent to the length of time in years.

SI/SD Project Threshold 

Communities can also alter the threshold for substantial improvement. While the NFIP-imposed threshold for triggering SI/SD is 50%, some communities use limits of 45, 40, or even 30%. If you’re considering lowering this threshold, it might help to look at historical improvement costs in your community as a percentage of market value. The SI/SD threshold value input must be an integer between 0 and 100. 

Improvement Value Adjustment Ratio 

This value should be determined by a department in your government. When updating this field, enter a value less than 1 for division of a value greater than one for multiplication. For example, if you enter "0.8", your market value will be (improvement value/0.8). If you enter 1.2, your market value will be (improvement value x1.2). 

If you make any updates to the fields in the  Account   setting page, be sure to click [Update account info] to save the new value. Please reach out to if you have any questions. 

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