"Please Wait" Elevation Certificate Viewing Error

When uploading and reviewing 2026 ECs, some users have experienced an error with loading PDFs in our Document viewer. When this occurs, users see a PDF with a message "Please wait..." and additional information on how to open the PDF:

This actually occurs due to the way that the 2026 EC PDF was created by FEMA; some browsers, including Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge are not able to support these PDFs due to incompatibility with their alternative PDF viewers, and you will receive the same error using FEMA's own elevation certificate link as well.

Troubleshooting in Forerunner

To view these ECs in Forerunner, we recommend using the Firefox browser, which does not have an incompatibility issue with these ECs.

Rest assured that the Forerunner system is still able to process these ECs, geocoding them to the address that they're associated with and checking them for errors if they meet our error detection criteria. Even if the PDF viewer is showing this error, all issues presented should still be accurate based on the contents of the EC.

If you have any additional questions or issues, please reach out to support@withforerunner.com or your Forerunner point of contact!

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