Public Elevation Certificates Page

In this Article 

Your public website includes all uploaded Elevation Certificates you want visible to visitors. Note that you are able to claim CRS 352.c WEB3 credits for sharing your Elevation Certificates online. 

Viewing Elevation Certificates

To view the Elevation Certificates page, click  Elevation Certificate in the upper right-hand corner of your public website homepage:

The Elevation Certificates table will include all Elevation Certificates uploaded to your account that have not been hidden by a member of your team. 

To view or download an Elevation Certificate:

  1. Locate the address for the property you're looking for in the Elevation Certificate table. To filter the list down, or to look for a specific property address, click  Filter in the left-hand corner of the table headings. Using the filter fields, input the address, block, lot, parcel, and/or the timeframe that the certificate was issued, and click Apply.
  2. Once you've located the correct property, view the Elevation Cetificate by clicking the  ... button. A dropdown menu will appear showing you the possible actions you can take for the document. 
    • Click View Document  to open the Elevation Certificate in your browser. 
    • To download the Elevation Certificate, click Download PDF. This will automatically download the PDF to your computer. 
    • Click Go to Property Profile  to open the public property profile for the address on the Elevation Certificate. 

Hiding Elevation Certificates from this Table

We understand that many communities may not want to publicly share all their Elevation Certificates. If you would only like to hide certain individual Elevation Certificates on individual properties, you can do so in the  Property Information Panel for the property. Learn more about hiding documents on your public website.

If you have any questions about Elevation Certificates and configuring your public website, please contact your support team at

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